It has been a little over two months since I started boot camp and the results are becoming exponential! I am so excited to report 22 pounds lost so far!! [Read more…]
Pushed through a difficult WOD
This was tough – not going to lie! With the 4th of July coming up, it is probably a good thing to get my butt kicked hard before taking a few extra days off. It took me almost the entire 45 minutes just to finish the buy in … [Read more…]
Boot Camp 6 Week Challenge Results
Final results for the 6 week challenge are in – I am down 16 pounds and have lost 6% of my body fat! [Read more…]
One year anniversary in WA and what a year of change!
This has been an exciting week of reflection and celebration. Matt turned 16 on June 28, and we surprised him with a 90 minute flying lesson on June 26! [Read more…]
First month done!
One full month of boot camp is behind me, and what do I have to show for it? As of today, June 13, 2011, I have lost 12 pounds and 5% of my body fat!! [Read more…]
Down 7 pounds!
Another week of boot camp classes, and I’m ever so slowly starting to see some objective and measurable results from all this effort. That is truly the only thing that helps me stick with it through all the agony! [Read more…]
Will I ever be an athlete?
I went to Matt’s track award ceremony for pole vault yesterday, and his coach had such great things to say about him and how he just blew them away with his learning curve just starting out this year for the first time. [Read more…]
Boot camp and knee problems
I don’t know what I am doing wrong, or why karma is turning on me, but my knees are killing me. My right knee is particularly bad, and is now snapping when I move it. [Read more…]
I really thought I would have lost some weight after two weeks of killing myself, but not yet, although I know I am getting stronger. If this doesn’t work for losing weight, though, I don’t even know what else to do. [Read more…]
First running day in boot camp
Why wasn’t the Rapture yesterday instead of tomorrow, then I wouldn’t have had to do this insane workout that I am still shaking from hours later … [Read more…]